UI/UX Design, UX research
Golisano Collection Touchscreen

Duration: 3 months
Brief: Redesign touchscreen for B. Thomas Golisano Collection
Role: Research and UX Design

Working with a team of 15 people, I worked on redesigning
the B. Thomas Golisano touchscreen.

About the Collection

The B. Thomas Golisano Collection is dedicated to serving as a 
living resource for students, faculty, scholars, and business people 
at RIT and the community. It is a celebration and record of Golisano’s 
remarkable career and an inspiration to future generations of entrepreneurs 
and advocates of health and human services. 


     The RIT Archives, as part of its collaborative efforts to 
    re-energize the B. Thomas Golisano collection, wanted to update the touchscreen within the public multimedia display in the atrium of the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences (GCCIS). 

    Goals of the Project

    • Increase user engagement 
    • Provide new means for interpreting physical and/or digital objects within the B. Thomas Golisano collection through interactive timelines, data/mapping visualizations, and playable media content 
    • Showcase collaborations and future projects completed by the RIT Archives and its community partners 
    • Further develop the GCCIS atrium as the flagship display for the B. Thomas Golisano collection and its current outreach initiatives 


    Interview/Survey Findings

    We interviewed 6 people and surveyed 71 people to get their 
    perspective on the B. Thomas Golisano collection touchscreen. 


    • Many people didn’t know it even existed (often times has a table in front of the exhibit)
    • Some people mistook it for a map of the building
    • Many people did not understand why it was important
    • Not much was known about Tom Golisano

    From the interviews in conjunction with the goals RIT Archives
    provided, we brainstormed ways to make the monitor engaging 
    and highlighting the importance of Golisano and the collection.


    After several iterations, this is the final structure of the touchscreen.


    Based on the interviews, we created several wireframes and styles. 
    Here are some of the final wireframes we created with 
    highlighting the ones I proposed on the left.

    Final Screens

    Here are final layouts and final style of the monitor 
    focusing on the screens I worked on. 

